Lead-Safe Certified Renovator and Refresher

Professional Certifications

Homes and other buildings built before 1978 are likely to contain lead-based paint. Renovation, repair, or painting work done in those facilities could release hazardous lead dust which can be harmful to both adults and children. EPA’s Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) rule provides important protections for you and also requires that you take certain actions to protect yourself and others.

EPA regulations now mandate that any contractor or maintenance staff, from plumbers to electricians to painters, who disturbs more than six square feet of lead paint, replaces windows or does any demolition while working in a pre-1978 home, school or day-care center, must now be Lead-Safe Certified and trained in lead-safe work practices.


Lead Renovator Initial

  • 8-hour class

Lead Renovator Refresher

  • 4-hour class
  • Must have taken an approved course within the last 5 years and bring certificate to class.


Upcoming Classes

To view or register for classes, please navigate to the Registration Portal.

For More Information

Please contact Rebecca Childs or the Navigation Station at 704-216-7222 or email coned@yilunjianshe.com.