Building Standard Inspector

Professional Certifications

Building Inspection Level I

This course is for inspectors whose primary responsibility is inspecting residential and commercial buildings up to 20,000 square feet.

Building Inspection Level II

This certification-related course is designed for the education and training of the Building Level II code enforcement official who has the responsibility of inspecting all types of construction up to 60,000 square feet and is built upon the information presented in the Building Level I Standard Inspection Course.

Upon completion, course participants will have a better understanding of the Building Code, The Energy Code, and the Accessibility Code of the NC State Building Code and will be able to apply the Codes in the inspection field. This class will be based on the 2018 North Carolina State Building Code and Energy Code and also the ANSI Code.

Building Inspection Level III

This certification-related course is designed for the education and training of the Building Level III code enforcement official who has the responsibility of inspecting all types of construction of unlimited size and is built upon the information presented in the Building Levels I and II Standard Inspection Courses.

Upon completion, course participants will have a better understanding of the Building Code, The Energy, and the Accessibility Code of the NC State Building Code and will be able to apply the Codes in the inspection field. This class will be based on the 2018 North Carolina State Building Code and Energy Code and also the ANSI Code.


  • $125 Registration Fee


Upcoming Classes

To view or register for classes, please navigate to the Registration Portal.


For More Information

Please contact Rebecca Childs or the Navigation Station at 704-216-7222 or email