Electronics Engineering Technology

When you study electrical engineering technology, you study the lifeblood of today’s technology: electronics and computers. Electronics technology is a part of most everything society relies on, from air conditioning to airplanes, and from trains to televisions. And because technology is constantly evolving, you will be engaged in learning methods that will help you adapt to and embrace new technologies and their uses. The Electrical Engineering Technology program prepares students to apply basic engineering principles and technical skills in electrical maintenance and management or in the design, planning, construction, development, and installation of electrical systems, machines, and power generating equipment. Students are prepared through the study and application of principles from mathematics, natural sciences, and technology and applied processes in electrical engineering.

Graduates should qualify for employment as technicians, engineering assistants, technical managers, or salespersons in electrical generation/distribution, industrial maintenance, electronic repair, or other fields requiring a broad-based knowledge of electrical and electronic concepts.

Program Chair
Tony Bean

Tony Bean




North Campus

Electrical & electronics engineering technicians work closely with electrical engineers. They work primarily in manufacturing settings, engineering services, the federal government, research and development laboratories, and the utilities industry.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, electrical & electronics engineering technicians have an average salary of $63,730 in the state of North Carolina as of May 2020.

Electrical engineers design new and better electronics. They also test equipment and solve problems.

Electrical engineers work on many kinds of products. They might work on cars, robots, cell phone systems, the lighting and wiring in buildings, and radar and navigation systems.